Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

CIC uses electronic funds transfer (EFT)/direct deposit as a preferred payment option. EFT/direct deposit ensures funds are paid directly to your bank account. 

Please send billing/invoices to accountspayable@cicorp.sk.ca. In the event of a business disruption, your payments and inquiries will not be delayed. 

  • Complete the EFT/direct deposit request fillable pdf form.
  • Include a void cheque or bank confirmation letter to ensure the correct banking information is received and verifying the request originated from your company/organization. 
  • Banking information provided will be stored securely and referenced for auditing purposes only.
  • Once the appropriate forms have been submitted, a CIC accounting representative will contact you to verify the request.

Any changes in your bank information should be provided to CIC as soon as possible to ensure no payment disruptions. 

  • A CIC accounting representative will contact you to verify any change in your EFT/direct deposit information.
  • Verification practices protect you by ensuring set up and/or change requests are legitimate. 

If you have any questions regarding the attached form, please contact accountspayable@cicorp.sk.ca


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